Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hells Bells...

My school, they hate me but love my money. Back story time! Gather 'round children. So, I'm waffling about whether or not to grab another major in Sociology with a concentration in criminal justice. I think this would allow me to go to law school for criminal law. So I was taking Sociology of Crime and Justice, at 3 PM. I had something niggling in my brain saying, "Hey you, stupid, check your school schedule." Okay brain, you're usually right. So, I checked and I'll be damned if they didn't roll my 3 PM class in the 8 AM class. Hell. That means, dear friends, that I have to be up at 5 AM to fight for the bathroom with my dad to be out of the house by 6:15 to be on campus before class. *head-desk* I hate you, school. You love me only for my money.

Crazy Bitch!

It's been said that one has to be a bit crazy to want a career in the psychological fields. That's perfect for me! I've been accused of being a bit off the deep end on occasion. So there. Suck it, Mr. Genuwine.

For those that didn't know, I'm a psychology BA junior. You would think that by now, I would have all of my ducks in a row and the pellet gun loaded. May I just say, "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

*picks herself up off the floor and pretends to have dignity.* I know my endgame. Getting there is a bit harder. This blog will follow me through at least my BA and possibly into my PhD. Most of my posts will be ranty in nature because, well, I can.

Welcome to my nightmare!